Python Testing

This is a screenshot of the annotation using

Captura de pantalla 2019-03-19 a la(s) 0.23.16

From the same web page I searched how did Coca-Cola’s web page look in 1997.

Captura de pantalla 2019-03-19 a la(s) 0.24.57

Then here is a screenshot of PyCharm usage with pyunit.

Captura de pantalla 2019-03-21 a la(s) 15.45.14

I loved the way the Unit Testing and TDD in python course was driven. The presenter showed how testing should be done in reality and explained it in a clear way and simple steps. It was easy to follow and even a person that don’s know about programing at all would be able to get the job done.

I didn’t like the fact that it is too slow. The videos are ok, but the course in general starts to slow. However, I believe that this is necessary sometimes.

DevOps: More than Software Development

DevOps is a a term that is used currently today that is associated with agile development. And it actually comes from the collision of two trends in the IT area: the “agile operations” and the relation between development and operations.

I truly believe that DevOps is a compound term, but not only in the spelling sense. For me, the definition of DevOps is a combination of development and operations working structure to perform better in the software lifecycle, by integrating techniques from both areas that could be well applied in each stage of software development.

DevOps has a strong relation with Agile and Lean processes, therefore it is always looking for improvement. In all the process, people from areas like engineers, system administrators, operation staff, DBAs (from Ops) and developers (from Dev) mix their abilities to improve the software quality (involving QA sometimes) and go beyond the Agile methodology.

Combination of Dev and Ops taken from:

Based on the blog post What is DevOps?, I agree that there are three primary practices that involve DevOps:

  • Infrastructure automation: create your systems, OS configs, and app deployments as code.
  • Continuous delivery: build, test, deploy your apps in a fast and automated manner.
  • Site reliability engineering: operate your systems; monitoring and orchestration, sure, but also designing for operability in the first place.

And so, as I gave my opinion about DevOps in this post, there are many myths from people that say that DevOps is developers going over operations job, or that it is a new culture in the IT area; the real thing is that this movement goes way beyond and is more about integrating the development and system management areas, so that developers can focus mainly on coding and delivering in seconds. With this changes the software development could be more flexible, with better quality, cost efficient and faster.

Fix them all!!! The secret life of bugs

Even though the topic seems like a Walt Disney movie title let me assure you that this post goes in a totally different direction. However, as in those movies, in the case of bugs in software, each one has a story related to developers, testers, people who discovered it and solved it, among others. The paper in which this post is based on (The Secret Life of Bugs) uses these stories to identify common bug fixing coordination patterns and to give new tools in the software development.

There comes a time when modern software development gets a huge amount of bugs, and since this number is so big, productivity changes in meaning into amount of bugs fixed. All of these issues are stored in what we know as repositories, which become a storybook for all of them. But the paper goes way beyond and talks directly to the key actors to discover the patterns that are commonly used to fix bugs. The authors also relate their work to some researches that were made before.

The goal of the study is to provide an efficient and contextualized way for bug fixing tasks. So two research questions took the lead at the beginning: how is the process of bug fixing (lifecycle)? And, do electronic traces of interaction provide the necessary to understand the story of each bug?

To understand better the process of the study I will give a brief description of the two phases and then give my opinion.


For this part, the authors selected a group of bugs that had specific concepts and behaviors like the status of “close” and followed the same methodology for all the cases. By obtaining the bugs database from the repositories they could get owners and know who modified the code. From there, they contacted the people who made changes and saw if they were relevant enough to ask about the history of the bug.

I found this process really complex, but at the same time is a good way to get all the story of the bug. They got pretty solid information and got it from first source reference.


For the survey the process was to interview some workers at Microsoft about their last project where they solved a major part of the bug. First the person gave them general data about the bug, then they spoke about the general patterns, and then see if they told the full story about the bug.

Even though this way is more personal, it could also be biased, since one person may not remember the full process and the story may have some errors.

At the end whichever process is taken, there are always missing things in the process of fixing bugs, so it is kind of impossible to find a direct path to fix them. But what I can tell is that human error is still better than machine error, since most of the surveys show less missing information than just following the track of the recommits in the repos.

For me is clear, that automation is sometimes helpful, but still is not as helpful as a human being. In the bugs’ lifecycle there is no 100% effectiveness, we can make some adjustments and try to follow some recommendations, but at the end preventing bugs is impossible, and try to follow the way of fix them too.

Back to the basics

Since I began programming I never though that testing could be an important part of the development process. Now that I’m close to graduate and I’m even working in the test area, I recognize that it is one of the most important parts. But, why do we continue careless about testing? Or is it just looseness?

I think that one of the reasons is that we just want to finish the program and expect that everything works fine, but certainly this never happens. I don’t really remember a program that was perfect since the beginning, and the person who tells you that these programs exist, is a liar.

For this post I will go to the first programming language that I learned (Python), and show you a simple way to start testing your software with a simple tool often called PyUnit.

The Python Unit Testing framework or PyUnit, is a Python version of the known JUnit for Java, and it’s very simple to implement a testing program just by importing the “unittest” framework. (You can follow the next steps below and even get my code from here)

After that we need to import the program that we want to test. For example, if our program is called, on our test program we will put “import hello”.

Start of testing

After importing both, we need to create some test cases, but in order to create them, we need to create a test class, inheriting from “unittest.TestCase”. The next step is just to add as many test cases as we want. This time, I’m making two: one for the sayHello method and the other for the add method.

In each test case, I will use a function called “assertEqual”. This function lets me compare the result of the program, to the one I desire. So if I do everything correctly, both tests should pass, otherwise a failure will be displayed.

Captura de pantalla 2019-02-03 a la(s) 12.08.41

Last, we need to add the next lines at the bottom of our code, in order to run the test directly from our console:


After that we just run our program as a normal Python one, with “python”

For the demo, I made my test fail, saying that 10 + 5 = 3 (which is false). And that will give us this failure:

Test Failure

This screen says that our test program ran two tests, the first one was successful (represented by the dot), but the second one failed (represented by the F) because 15 != 3.

If we actually run the test case correctly, then something like this will appear on your console.

Test Success

So that’s how PyUnit works. As you can see, it is very simple to test our programs. I know that this one was very simple, but if we actually create a habit for testing software, then our documentation will be better, we won’t have to worry about failures and we will be certain that everything works fine in our software.

For more information about PyUnit go to this page.

And if you want to see the complete code, go to my repository at GitHub.

Something about testing…Or, should we change it?

At the moment of coding, we never think about a way to improve our software, unless this is your work, otherwise, we just concentrate on getting the work done and never test it.

Through my career I have learned many ways to manage my time when making a project. I will accept that I was one of the mentioned above, but fortunately I changed for better. Somehow, when your major is Computer Science, Software Engineering or something related to the IT area, you hear about Kent Beck.

Precisely, this blog is about Kent Beck, specifically a podcast  called “test && commit || revert”. In this podcast the announcer begins by giving some complains from developers about the Agile movement (being Kent one of the 17 signers of the Agile Manifesto), to which Kent answers that there are some crazy people that are reviving the Waterfall method, something that is not well recommended in today’s software development.

During the conversation Kent comments that the act of testing needs some courage and braveness, because we need to give some value to what we are coding. And argues that developing software means risking your work, which is FINE!

Picture from:

Kent hardly believes that good software ideas are not challenging enough. He prefers the bad ones because there is no competition and anyone can improve their software skills with what he calls the TCR process (the main topic of this podcast). Basically, this process consists on running some tests, then commit them and improve them. But these tests are closer to each other than what they appear, since Kent recommends programming in small pieces.

Sincerely I see this process as a fast and efficient way of coding. It lets you advance in your work with the ability of testing, and improve it in every iteration; something that really contrasts with making the full program and then suffer when testing. TCR pushes you to make changes, and that enforces your coding skills.

At the end TCR is just another workflow alternative, just like TDD, Limbo and test after. These alternatives should adapt to the programmers, and not the other way around. As Kent said, everyone is in charge of their own learning, so there’s no need of following a linear path in order to learn new mythologies. If the new ones, like TCR, work for you and could adapt to your recent project, then go ahead and dive into the knowledge. Otherwise, just keep making great programs and improve them with your actually skills.

Picture from:

At this moment of my life, TDD works fine for what I’m doing. It actually matches the way I work at my job. And shaving testing in mind, is not bad at all. It actually makes programming easier and fun to do. Just as a recommendation, go ahead and hear this podcast, it may give you some information that you never considered before.